
Japanese psychedelic rock band. FUKUOKA Rinji: vocals, guitar YAMAZAKI Taiga: guitar Louis INAGE: bass MOROHASHI Shigeki: drums

Majutsu no Niwa

Majutsu no Niwa
Majutsu no Niwa is a rock band of Fukuoka Rinji (vo, g, etc) and Morohashi Shigeki (dr, per) established in 2008, out of ashes of the former band, Overhang Party with its 17 years of history.
Its musicality depicts such tranquil singing to a massive hard sound while nourishing the extreme vibrational amplitude of drone and improvisation, and keep realizing the Eternal Rock’n Roll Theatre. It is a bottom of Rock or a conservative reaction that repels the categorization based only on commercialism.

Fukuoka Rinji: vocals, guitar

Louis Inage: bass

Morohashi Shigeki: drums